Drop Shipping

1.Items are dispatched within 1-4 days after payment is cleared. If you require your item urgently please state your desired delivery date via "Special Instructions" at the checkout.

2.Items marked as "PRE-ORDER" will ship on the date as indicated on their product pages.

3.We are USPS large customers. So we can get a discounted price in most countries. So our website default shipping mode is USPS or express lines, if you need to choose other modes of transport, please contact us. Please note that if the customer shipping address is express remote areas, courier companies will charge additional scheduling costs. If the courier company charges an additional remote area to send a fee, we will inform the customer.

4.In general, USPS or express lines take 7-12 business days, DHL / FEDEX / UPS takes 4 to 8 business days, EMS takes 10 to 20 business days.

5.We will be in your order within 24 hours after the first check your order, and within 24 hours after delivery will send you an invoice, payment, we need 1-2 days to prepare the order, and each item for quality inspection. If the special project requires more time to prepare, then we may be issued within 2 to 3 business days.

6.Freight is calculated by weightor volume, so you can save more to buy more! The more the number of orders, the heavier the package, then the cost of transport per KG cheap.

7.Some countries may incur local customs duties. The buyer or consignee of the order shipment is responsible for all duties and duties. Our products are sold around the world, different countries have different customs policy, so we do not know all countries of the customs policy. If you have any questions, please contact your customs office before ordering.

Free shipping

U.S. ORDERS No code needed. Daily live stream to show your order packing process with quality test and confirmation.

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All products are tested 3 times for strength, durability and performance. Riccci is trustable to save your time and cost.

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All orders and personal info are transmitted through a secure server using Secure Socket Layering (SSL).